
The Annual Report for the year 2023-2024 has been completed by both the Internal Auditor and the External Auditor. Below, you can find the relevant documents from the Internal Auditor's report along with the notification of Public Rights. The notification of Public Rights, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement are also posted on the Parish Council's notice Board for the requisite period of time.

The PC's financial regulations are reproduced here for your reference:  PBBPCFinancialRegulationsJune24.pdf


October 2024 Financial Risk Assessment and Risk Management Policy: RiskAssessRiskManagementPolicy.pdf

Annual Report (AR) 2017-2018

Internal Auditor's Report and annual Report Statements

AR 17-18 Notice of conclusion of audit 

Notification of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

 Accounting Statement

Internal Auditor Report 

The originals can be inspected by contacting the Parish Clerk 

Budget - 2018-2019

Budget 18-19

Expenditure over £100 - see the Income and Expenditure statement in the Accounts below. For more details of the costs and purchases, please contact the Clerk

FY 2017-2018 Accounts



Annual Report (AR) 2018-2019

Internal Auditor's Report and annual Report Statements

AR 18-19 Notice of conclusion of audit  

Notification of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement 
Accounting Statement 
Internal Auditor Report 

The originals can be inspected by contacting the Parish Clerk 

Budget 2019-2020


 Budget 2019-2020

Annual Report (AR) 2019-2020

Internal Auditor's Report and Annual Report Statements                  Budget 2020-2021                                      FY 2019-2020

Public Rights Notification                                                                          Budget 2020-2021                                       FY 2019-2020                                                                   

Conclusion of Audit Notice

AGAR COMPLETED 300920.pdf  

Annual Governance Statement 

Accounting Statement 

Internal Auditor Report

The originals can be inspected by contacting

the Parish Clerk 

Annual Report (AR) 2020-2021

Internal Auditor's Report and Annual Report Statements                         Budget 2021-2022                                   FY 2020-2021

Ann Internal Audit Report 2020                                                                       Budget 2021-2022.pdf                              FY 2020-2021.pdf

Ann Gov Statement 2020 21

Sectn2 Ann Gov Statement 2020 21

Exercise Of Public Rights 2020 21 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020 21.pdf



Annual Report (AR) 2021-2022

Internal Auditor's Report and Annual Report Statements                            Budget 2022-2023                                            FY 2021-2022

The originals (as yet externally unaudited) can be inspected                              Budget 2022-2023                                          FY 2021-2022.pdf

by contacting the clerk

ExerciseOfPublicRights 2021-22.pdf 

AnnInternalAudit 2021-22.pdf 

Section1 AnnGovernanceStatement.pdf 

Section2 AccountingStates 2021-22.pdf

Notice of conclusion of audit: Ext AuditorReport 270922.pdf 

Notice of conclusion of audit: ConclusionAuditNotice 270922.pdf 



Annual Report (AR) 2022-2023

Internal Auditor's Report and Annual Report Statements                    Budget 2023-2024                                    FY 2022-2023

                                                                                                                                  2023-2024.pdf                                                    FY 2022-2023.pdf      

The originals (as yet externally unaudited) can be inspected                              

by contacting the clerk

ExerciseOfPublicRights 2022-23.pdf 

Section1 AnnGovernanceStatement 2022-23.jpg 

Section2 AccountingStatements 2022-23.jpg

Internal Auditor Report 

Notice of conclusion of audit ExtAuditorReport 110923.pdf 

Notice of conclusion of audit ConclusionAuditNotice 140923.pdf 


                                                                              Annual Report (AR) 2023-2024 

Internal Auditor's Report and Annual Report Statements                         Budget 2024-2025                                             Financial Year 2023-2024 

                                                                                                                         BudgetApproved 2024-25 240424.pdf                    Outturn 2023-24 120424.pdf


The originals (as yet externally unaudited) can be inspected by                                                                                                                      

contacting the clerk 

Making-provision-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2023-24 260424.pdf

AGARInternalAuditorReport 2023-24.pdf 

AnnIntAuditReport AddressOfIntControlObjectives.pdf 

Section 1 AnnualGovernanceStatement 2023-24.jpg

AnnGovStatement23-24 address of No2 objective.pdf 

Section 2 Accounting Statements 2023-24.jpg


Notice of conclusion of audit Finance/ConclusionOfAudit23-24.jpg 

Section 1&2 AGAR conclusion Files/Finance/AGAR.pdf 

Section 3 AGAR conclusion Files/Finance/AGAR3.pdf    







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