Policy Intentions Document Consultation

Results Grid: Neighbourhood Plan/PID Consultation Results Grid FINAL.pdf

Survey Monkey: SurveyMonkey Data All.pdf 

Consultees List: Consultees Contact List FINAL.pdf 


Questions and Answers arising from the Neighbourhood Plan (PID) “drop in”

Zoom session held Saturday 24th July 2021

Q1. As HBC will no longer exist in the future, will that affect our submission of our Neighbourhood Plan?

A1. No, we proceed as before but perhaps try to speed up our part of the process so that HBC have the time to do their bit before the unitary authority takes over.

Q2. How will HBC's blocking of the Park and Stride / allotment / footbridge / nature area relate to our input for the Neighbourhood Plan?

A2. It won't. Although HBC may block it now, a new unitary authority may think differently, as may the inspector when she / he has to sign-off our plan. There does not appear to be any logical planning reason why the Parish Council proposal should be dismissed. Finance is not a planning material consideration. We must specify exactly where these features would be sited. Although not in the PID, they will be included in maps for the next iteration.

Q3. What can be done to prevent unwanted development on PN18?

A3. The allocation is already in the Local Plan but, as is often the case, developers will try to push the boundaries of what is acceptable. Parishioners and the Parish Council should challenge anything proposed that contravenes the edicts of HBC's own stipulations. This is not really a matter for the Neighbourhood Plan.